Pearson Health


Designed new images and graphics for Pearson Health client to be used for their Open Enrollments series, 401(k) vendor, and eHealth communication series and Empower Retirement communications (email, brochure, and mailer).

Award: Platinum Hermes Award (2022)

Pearson (2021) FYB Magazine

Role: Graphic Designer; develop and assemble the layout and presentation of the US spring My Total Rewards Magazine with provided copy and illustrations

2022 Monthly eHealths

Role: Junior Designer; accessibly layout and recreate illustration with existing content for the monthly eHealths providing information on insurers’ Health, Wealth, and Life benefits with provided copy and illustrations

Canada Benefit Summary

Role: Junior Designer; digitally executed detailing of Health and Life insurance options for 2022 Canada Benefit Summary while also retouching illustrations and designs for client’s consideration post original approval to offer a closer to brand guidelines version.

Desktop and Mobile View

Role: Associate Designer; creating layout for the 2022 Pearson US Open Enrollment and December eHealth for optimization in desktop and mobile view and also ensuring accessibility across both platforms for a natural and identical layout of information


Happy Face Shop


Jack Game Cards