I am Cinthia Ogbaugo, I like zooming in on the small details and obsessing over how someone does them. Some may call that hyper-fixating, I like to call it curiosity with a side of YouTube tutorial addiction.
I usually have colorful hair and I’m in a long-term committed relationship with Adobe Creative Suite. It started off rocky, but we’ve agreed to an open relationship. My other partners include Figma, Canva, and Microsoft!
I currently work as a Design Specialist for Online Optimism, ONE SCHOOL New York class Alumni, and graduate of UNC Chapel Hill (2020) with a major in Popular Culture and Design in a Globalizing World.
Schools of Hard Mocks (and ads):
Illustrative Commissions Email: cinogbaugo@gmail.com
Work Email : ciogbaugo2017@gmail.com
Favorite Song ATM (updated regularly)
Other art I do sometimes